hello VOyagers!

Full confession: This summer was a turning point for me and this new endeavor we call a blog was sadly a victim of the changes.

Since June I’ve been in the process of cutting ties with a lot of things in my life that were causing stress, pulling me in too many directions, or were generally bad for health and well-being. Some of them were work related, some of them were personal, and some of them were demons I’ve been carrying around with me for a long time.

I’m happy to say that I finally feel like my life is on track professionally AND personally for the first time in 4 years. Everything seems to be moving along at a steady, strong pace and I couldn’t be more thrilled. The final component to this is getting my health back on track. There have been lots of starts and stops for me in the last 4 years, but just like everything else I’ve been changing…I feel like I am ready to commit to a new lifestyle change.

HolidaySweatChallenge2014SideBarWhat’s a better way to make that happen than with an exercise challenge, am I right?
Now, I’ve been doing Amanda’s aka RunToTheFinish’s Holiday and Spring bootie buster challenges the last year or so and just love them and her (and this year she’s partnered up with Sweat Guru!). However, I never had the come to Jesus moment where your life changes and you find yourself embarking on a new fitness journey. Well — I’m ready to make that happen.

If you’re looking for a motivator as well, I gotta say this may be just the thing you’re looking for. There are some great prizes, you’ll get to know a lot fitness blogs on the interwebs, and start meeting new social media buddies on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It’s a lot of fun and highly motivating if you don’t get in your own way.

There are only a few days left before we kick off officially so don’t wait. In the mean time, if you’re already signed up and participating in the Instagram Challenge let’s become friends! I heart me some photos. Don’t forget to tag everything with @sweatguru @runtothefinish #holidaysweat #sweatpink

DAY ONE: What's your motivation to move on a Monday? ANSWER: My country road!
DAY ONE: What’s your motivation to move on a Monday?
ANSWER: My country road!
Photo Nov 18, 2 09 02 PM
DAY TWO: What’s your favorite healthy recipe?
ANSWER: I heart the fabulous Scott Jurek’s Mushroom-Lentil burgers from his book EAT & RUN
Making a comeback with the Holiday Sweat Challenge
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